
Read it now: Business boost for advisers & Ssas switches soar

Read it now: Business boost for advisers & Ssas switches soar

Advisers have reported a boost to their business in terms of efficiency and cost as a result of going virtual with meetings and reviews. 

In this week's front-page exclusive, advisers responding to a Financial Adviser/FTAdviser survey reported they intended to keep at least a quarter to a half of all their future meetings online-only. 

While face-to-face is still important for some, such as first meetings with new clients, advisers said they have benefited from not having to travel for up to four hours in the working day. 

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Instead, they have been able to use that 'wasted' travel time to get more done, and this is unlikely to change now that lockdown is easing in the UK.

In a second front-page exclusive, reporter Amy Austin revealed that advisers have urged their small, self-administered pension clients to switch trustees in order to save on costs. 

Advisers have found that some antiquated trustee services can charge up to £4,000 just to run a simple pension, which they claimed could be run at half the price from a new, professional trustee. 

Elsewhere in Financial Adviser, brokers warned of a potential spike in insurance clawback as clients may be tempted to cancel their insurance policies to save money, while we outline in more detail what chancellor Rishi Sunak's summer statement might mean for financial advisers and their clients. 

To read these stories, as well as other exclusive interviews, book reviews, comment pieces and community stories, click on this link.

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Enjoy the relaxation of some of the lockdown restrictions, but stay safe and healthy.

Simoney Kyriakou, editor, Financial Adviser