Inheritance Tax  

The place for trusts in a financial planner's toolkit

  • To be able to describe tax advantages
  • To summarise tax treatement of trusts when they are set up
  • To explain the Business Property Relief aspect of trusts

If an American citizen, for example, comes to the UK as a settlor or beneficiary of such a trust, will they be caught in the middle of UK anti-avoidance rules?

The challenge will be to balance the rules for such “ordinary” arrangements, set up in a home jurisdiction for the long term with no regard to UK taxation, with trusts solely designed to fall outside the UK tax net. 

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We will need to understand the operation of the rules carefully, as well as the interaction with the double tax treaties in place, to establish how such people will be affected, to ensure they remain compliant with UK rules.

In establishing new trusts we will need to have both domestic and international aspects in mind when determining the preferred course of action. 

On balance – even if there are changes in the Budget – the trust does, in my view, retain a place in the toolkit of arranging a family’s financial affairs, but it should be used carefully and after full consideration of all the surrounding circumstances, and after answering the question "why?". 

Lisa Spearman is a partner at Mercer & Hole


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using trusts?

  2. When assets are placed in a trust, they no longer form part of the individual’s estate, true or false?

  3. When is capital gains tax paid on a trust?

  4. If a beneficiary is not a 45 per cent income taxpayer, they may be due a refund from HMRC, from tax paid on the distribution, true or false?

  5. Which of the following is NOT an IHT advantage of trusts, for a family company?

  6. Which area of trusts does the author say will see a curtailing of tax advantages in the Budget?

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You should now know…

  • To be able to describe tax advantages
  • To summarise tax treatement of trusts when they are set up
  • To explain the Business Property Relief aspect of trusts

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