Retirement Income  

Guide to financial certainty in retirement

  • To be able to explain the impact of financial uncertainty
  • To be able to identify ways to help people enjoy better retirement outcomes
  • To be able to explain the benefits of annuities and a blended approach
Guide to financial certainty in retirement
The search for financial certainty in retirement has increasingly become a worry for pension savers. (Orion_production/Envato Elements)


There has been so much market volatility, particularly over the past two years, which continues to be a concern for pension savers and investors.

As a result of the ongoing financial uncertainty, more clients are aware of increased inflation and interest rates and the impact this is having on their overall financial situation, including their pension.

It has been an emotional and stressful time for so many.

Meanwhile, the rise in interest rates has led to a renewed interest in annuities.

Annuities can give clients the peace of mind of knowing that they have enough income coming in at retirement, but many pension savers also want the flexibility of drawdown.

By the end of this guide, which is worth 60 minutes of CPD, you should be able to explain the impact of financial uncertainty, identify ways to help people enjoy better retirement outcomes, and explain the benefits of annuities and a blended approach.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What has been the short-term impact on pensions as a result of the ongoing financial uncertainty?

  2. Why does Dominic James Murray say that risk profiling should only form one part of the client's investment decisions as capacity for loss is arguably more important?

  3. Why should clients look to maintain their UK pension assets for as long as physically as possible?

  4. Which of the following is the ODD one out? If the decision is made for the client to access their savings, there are various things to consider when it comes to income withdrawal:

  5. According to Kirsty Anderson, what is a good way to manage sequencing risk?

  6. According to Claire Altman, what is one way the industry can help pension savers optimise a blended approach?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • To be able to explain the impact of financial uncertainty
  • To be able to identify ways to help people enjoy better retirement outcomes
  • To be able to explain the benefits of annuities and a blended approach

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