Retirement CPD course  

Guide to retirement income

  • Describe how to manage clients in drawdown
  • Explain some of the drawbacks with annuities
  • Identify how to blend annuities with drawdown
Guide to retirement income


Retirement income is the reward - or penalty - for one's saving decisions over the years. But now there is much more choice available.

In the current environment, with such low rates of return on annuities, given where interest rates are, many people opt for a portfolio of products to cater for different spending and saving needs.

While pension freedoms released people from the necessity of buying a pension, it has since become clear that having one's entire pension savings invested in the stock markets may not be so satisfactory.

The security of knowing one has at least some guaranteed income, to cover the essential bills, helps many of those in retirement to sleep at night, while knowing they are able to benefit from some of the uplift from the stockmarket, if they stay invested through drawdown.

In this guide, we look at some of the issues relating to retirement income.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. In the first article, according to Catriona McCarron, how should advisers prepare clients for the sequencing risk of drawdown?

  2. Reducing income of a client in drawdown, during volatile markets can be one solution, according to Keith Churchouse, true or false?

  3. According to Fiona Tait, in the second feature, how are clients feeling towards annuities?

  4. Positive change for annuity rates is anticipated for the near future, according to the third feature, true or false?

  5. According to the third feature, why should annuities still be considered?

  6. According to Jessica List, in the fourth feature, it is possible to buy an annuity from funds in drawdown, true or false?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Describe how to manage clients in drawdown
  • Explain some of the drawbacks with annuities
  • Identify how to blend annuities with drawdown

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