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Why doing pro bono works for advisers

  • Describe the advantages of doing pro bono work
  • Identify the drawbacks of doing pro bono work
  • Explain what good it does

Maybe it could involve remote work — such as delivering a presentation via Zoom to a classroom or hosting a Q&A with students after-hours.

It is also more practical to find something that can be done nearby, rather than requiring a lot of travel away from the office. And it is good to be volunteering in the community where your firm operates.

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But aside from the operational and practical challenges, there are also the non-visible obstacles to overcome.

McLoughney says participating can be “emotionally challenging”, especially when “not all scenarios can be solved”, and Knowles agrees.

She says it can be emotionally tough for the adviser when trying to help someone "with a particular situation that doesn’t work out”, as you have become invested in that client's outcome.

For example, Knowles says she was helping a person but their insurance claim was turned down without her being able to intervene. In this sort of situation, she says “you do get emotionally involved, and it is really hard to help someone come to terms with this situation".

Despite challenges, the enthusiasm far outweighs any reservations. Those who have done pro bono work themselves are keen to support others who may be considering doing something similar.

Although it might appear slightly counterintuitive to give work and expertise away freely it does raise wellbeing when done a balanced way.

To anyone considering pro bono work, Al Yafai says: “I would definitely encourage them and say not to worry or feel you’re not ready or good enough — everyone has something to give, a level of expertise through lived experience and work experience, that will be valuable.

“You don’t realise how much you can offer until you start. Often just sharing your skills can make you feel really amazing and expert, and build your confidence to do new things.

"You meet new people, go to new places and have new stuff to talk and think about. It can help give you perspective.”

Connolly passionately recommends it: “Just do it. For remote presenting the set up takes very little time, and once you have done a couple of workshops you will easily get used to how best to present the content.

"Remember yourself at school, then think of people that have inspired you — you can be that person for our next generation."

McLoughney agrees: “Do it. It’s great for others and I can guarantee you won’t regret it... it’s like a workout, you never regret a workout — after it is done. It's food for the soul."

Anita Boniface is a freelance financial journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Pro bono means work done for a small fee by professionals, for those that cannot afford to pay, true or false?

  2. What is the biggest thing advisers get from doing pro bono work?

  3. How did Dominic McLoughney feel about pro bono work?

  4. Pro bono work often allows more junior members of the team take the lead, true or false?

  5. According to Kathryn Knowles, what is one of the toughest aspects of pro bono work?

  6. According to the author, pro bono work can raise wellbeing true or false?

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  • Describe the advantages of doing pro bono work
  • Identify the drawbacks of doing pro bono work
  • Explain what good it does

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