Protection CPD Course  

Guide to how mental health cover has evolved in protection

  • Explain role of providers amid rise in mental health concerns
  • Explain how disclosure impacts underwriting
  • Explain how providers are responding to Covid-19 with CI policies
Guide to protection

Over the past year we have seen an increased focus on mental health as the coronavirus pandemic has meant more people have struggled with their mental health.

Loss of jobs, income, and anxiety over health and the effects of lockdown have all served to exacerbate this.

The pandemic has certainly forced people to think about their health and mortality in a completely new way.

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This guide will explore the way in which insurers are responding to growing mental health considerations within policies, and how advisers can help clients understand what might be asked of them by the provider.

The guide will also look at  whether there is scope to embed mental health cover widely into CI policies, a debate which has been rumbling on for some time.

It is worth an indicative 120 minutes’ CPD.


Please click here to undertake the second guide in the protection CPD course, worth 60 minutes of CPD.

Please click here to undertake the third guide in the protection CPD course, worth 60 minutes of CPD.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. True or false. Kathryn Knowles says during client chats when advisers get to the really intrusive questions, they should let clients know the questions are going to become more difficult.

  2. How can advisers dispel the myth that disclosing a mental health condition will lead the insurer to automatically declining the policy?

  3. True or false. According to Helen Dick, mental health has been the most disclosed condition on life and CI policies her company has received for a long time.

  4. The Mental Health and Insurance Standards was launched to ensure that:

  5. According to Jonothan McColgan why has mental health not yet seeped into CI policies?

  6. According to advisers which protection product is currently best suited to providing mental health cover?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Explain role of providers amid rise in mental health concerns
  • Explain how disclosure impacts underwriting
  • Explain how providers are responding to Covid-19 with CI policies

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