Unsurprisingly many advisers are reporting significant interest in income protection cover in the light of recent events.
It is even more important for renters to protect their incomes. If you get into mortgage arrears there is at least some pressure on lenders, from the Financial Conduct Authority, to allow forbearance to those in difficulty.
Constraints on landlords are far less and as the restrictions on rental repossessions are now being lifted, the case for IP just gets stronger.
To support advisers, Legal & General have built a dedicated toolkit to help those who want to grow their business in this area.
It explores the business case for more rental IP, how to form strategic partnerships with letting agents who need rental business protection, as well as resources designed to be conversation starters.
It includes educational videos, presented by TV property pundit Phil Spencer, CPD-accredited webinars, sales aids, technical information and two calculators.
There is a wealth of useful content here. The research tools could be evolved further, but for any adviser wanting to help more renters protect themselves this site is well worth looking at.
Ian McKenna is founder of FTRC