
Can advisers keep pace with commercial pension dashboards?

  • Describe what impact pension dashboards will have on the pensions industry
  • Explain the advantages to financial advisers
  • Identify how commercial dashboards will evolve

They need to be happy that the standards and guidance around dashboard service providers are not going to harm their business or cause them problems.

They will also need to look at where there is opportunity for them within those guidelines, how they will best serve customers – both new and old – and what that means for their business processes.

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This may involve talking to tech firms or talking to the organisations they place business with to ensure they do not get left behind.

If your rivals are offering services you are not, they will start to capture more of the market.

As soon as outflows start looking bad, sales teams will realise that someone else is innovating and offering an additional service and will push for the same.

We saw a race happen in the platforms space as customers wanted to transact across different providers, and I anticipate the pensions dashboard revolution will play out in a similar way.

As with any new technology, the winners from pensions dashboards will be the innovators and those looking ahead instead of standing still.  

Jonathan Hawkins is principal business consultant at Bravura Solutions


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Consumers will be able to transact through pensions dashboards as soon as they launch, true or false?

  2. Commercial pensions dashboards will:

  3. What could be an important benefit to advice firms of pensions dashboards?

  4. When dashboards are up and running, pension scheme administrators could be:

  5. We are expecting a further consultation paper from the FCA on dashboards by:

  6. Pensions dashboards could create a huge opportunity for financial advisers, true or false??

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  • Describe what impact pension dashboards will have on the pensions industry
  • Explain the advantages to financial advisers
  • Identify how commercial dashboards will evolve

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