Defined Benefit  

Top 10 tips on DB transfers

  • Understand the rise in demand for advice on DB transfers.
  • Learn the pros and cons of recommending DB transfers to clients.
  • Comprehend the questions to ask clients to help them make the right decision.

Les Cameron is head of technical at Prudential

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why are many concerned about giving advice on transfers from DB schemes. Why is this?

  2. Which one of these is not a step in calculating the cash equivalent transfer value?

  3. What shape is income likely to take in retirement?

  4. The maximum allowed cash from a DB scheme is broadly what percentage of the amount being crystallised?

  5. DB death benefits, especially for deferred members, are generally what?

  6. The health of pension schemes has been the subject of much comment recently and could lead to a client who may want to transfer out for what reason?

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You should now know…

  • Understand the rise in demand for advice on DB transfers.
  • Learn the pros and cons of recommending DB transfers to clients.
  • Comprehend the questions to ask clients to help them make the right decision.

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