Investment Trusts  

The Guide: Investment Trusts

  • Comprehend the increased interest in investment trusts
  • Gain an understanding of how investment trusts pay income
  • Grasp the drivers behind investment trust issuance
The Guide: Investment Trusts


Investment trusts have seen assets surge to £163bn as of February 28 2017, suggesting more investors are taking notice of the vehicles. But in an uncertain market environment and increased scrutiny on fees, do closed ended vehicles still offer an advantage?

In this special report


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. More investment trusts are looking to pay income out of capital profits. This is a result of a change made to the Companies Act in what year?

  2. Investment trusts assets surged to £163bn at the end of February. But what level were they pre-RDR?

  3. Research from the AIC suggests what percentage of investment trusts have an annual management charge of less than 0.75 per cent?

  4. Investment trust issuance declined sharply in 2016 with just four new issues compared with how many in 2015?

  5. Mifid II will separate the payment for research from trading and execution commissions. According to Edward Marten, in his article, this will lead to more focus on the sponsored research market. True or false?

  6. According to Annabel Brodie-Smith, fundraising by investment companies tends to reflect what?

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You should now know…

  • Comprehend the increased interest in investment trusts
  • Gain an understanding of how investment trusts pay income
  • Grasp the drivers behind investment trust issuance

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