In Focus: Future Talent  

What’s next for professional development?

  • Describe how learning requirements have changed
  • Explain why professional development might need to change
  • Communicate how learning can be structured more effectively for future talent

In addition, our technical employee academy, which nurtures tomorrow’s professionals today, develops apprentices from schools through certificate, diploma and chartered over a five-year professional development programme. Relevant and appropriate professional development is at the heart of the team.

As a profession, we have made significant progress raising standards in the quality of professional development, the way that many in the profession have gone beyond the benchmark qualifications reaching chartered and beyond with relevant MSc and MBA programmes in Manchester and Gloucestershire, for example.

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The recently launched University of Gloucestershire Finance in Society Research Institute has been created to connect students’ academic research with policymakers, government and organisations to deliver better client outcomes.

Rather than putting completed research on the shelf, it is key that through the institute research is utilised on behalf of the wider profession.

In summary, the future of professional development is exciting and hopefully far more rewarding going forward as new technologies deliver greater inclusivity combined with a wider passion for learning, all resulting in great client outcomes.

The challenge for regulators and professional bodies will be to keep pace with the increasing demand for more relevant standards and assessment methods that support all of tomorrow’s stakeholders – our clients, advisers, employees and the wider community.

Edward Grant is director of technical connection at St James’s Place


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is one of the most significant recent developments in learning, according to the author?

  2. Why can coursework be a more inclusive assessment than exams, according to the author?

  3. Social and collaborative learning tends to be less effective than traditional learning. True or false?

  4. What is missing from the current diploma adviser benchmark?

  5. How can virtual reality be useful in the training process?

  6. Personalised learning experiences tailored to individual learners' needs and preferences could be the future. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe how learning requirements have changed
  • Explain why professional development might need to change
  • Communicate how learning can be structured more effectively for future talent

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