In Focus: Megatrends  

How Russia's war made clean energy a necessity and opportunity

  • Explain why Russia's invasion of Ukraine is accelerating the shift to renewable energy
  • Identify trends in green energy
  • Explain the outlook for nuclear energy

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What reason did Chris Baynes give for the success thematic funds have enjoyed?

  2. What does David Merriam say that investors need to be careful of when looking at renewables assets?

  3. What does it mean when a company is described as being in transition?

  4. True or false, according to Chris Baynes, the car industry is one of the industries that will experience challenges with transitioning?

  5. Why does Scott Gallacher say oil and gas will remain an important part of our energy policy for some time to come?

  6. True or false, the UK government’s energy strategy has placed even greater emphasis on nuclear energy?

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You should now know…

  • Explain why Russia's invasion of Ukraine is accelerating the shift to renewable energy
  • Identify trends in green energy
  • Explain the outlook for nuclear energy

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