
Investing in the US - December 2016

  • To understand the impact of a Trump presidency on the US economy
  • To find out how the US healthcare sector will be affected by the president-elect
  • To gain insight into the US fixed income markets in the year ahead
Investing in the US - December 2016


As Donald Trump prepares to take his place in the White House following a divisive presidential campaign, what does this hold in store for investors in the US? In particular what will be the impact on sectors such as healthcare and on fixed income markets?

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Nordic bank SEB predicts the US federal funds rate will reach 1.5-1.75 per cent by when?

  2. Rob Lee of Signia Wealth says if Mr Trump focuses on trade barriers and other populist issues what does he reckon will happen?

  3. Which of these phrases does Rob Lee not use when referring to some of the phrases coined ahead of a Trump presidency?

  4. If Mr Trump were to boost the growth rate to 3.5 per cent as he has proposed, what would this most likely result in?

  5. Following the US election results, how much did the Nasdaq Biotechnology index rise by?

  6. On which day did the US dollar move to a 10 year high?

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You should now know…

  • To understand the impact of a Trump presidency on the US economy
  • To find out how the US healthcare sector will be affected by the president-elect
  • To gain insight into the US fixed income markets in the year ahead

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