
Corbyn backing Waspis is futile and irrelevant

Simon Mansell

With regard to the news that Jeremy Corbyn seeks to address the grievances of Women Against State Pension Inequality, it does not matter if you vote Conservative, Liberal, Labour, or Labour Socialist Workers Party.

The facts are the facts. In 1909, men aged 70 were given a state pension. The average working man could only expect to live to 48 years of age.

In 2016, girls born today can expect to live to 82.8 years and boys 79 years. There is no state fund; only taxation – your taxation and my taxation and the taxation of generations to come. We are living longer than every before.

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Government spending and government debt has mostly come in the past 30 years. During that time, it has been easy and cheap for the government to borrow money, and now Labour still thinks you can vote out of ‘austerity’ as if it is an imposition by a capitalist elite.

Mr Corbyn does not even recognise the free market economy let alone basic economics. Lets just hope he remains unelectable.

Simon Mansell


Temple Bar Independent Financial Advice,
