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Sustainable Investing - March 2014



    But for all that the sector has expanded, in both strategies and scale, it remains an area which sits on the periphery. There are still comparisons drawn between ‘sustainable’ or ‘ethical’, or whatever you call it (of which more later), and ‘normal’ funds which simply try to do well.

    Interest has been on the rise for some time and opportunities are growing. Most importantly, returns are beginning to flow back to investors, answering critics who often pointed to a lack of demonstrable performance - and boosting the view of those like me, who believe one day investing sustainably will just be, well, ‘investing’.

    In this special report we will give a run down of the various monikers given to sustainable sectors, an overview of performance into where to look for comparison and some longer term success stories, and focus on renewable energy in the context of government policy incentives.

    This special report is sponsored by Alliance Trust Investments. All editorial is independent.

    In this special report


    Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

    1. Which two stocks, which may be discounted by strict ‘ethical’ mandates, does Mr Gindre say could be ripe for ESG investment now?

    2. Into which retailer did Gaeia, via its investment affiliate Castlefield, recently invest discretionary clients?

    3. What total return has been generated by the Kames Ethical Equity fund since its inception in 1999?

    4. Which fund is the top-performing fund in the IA Asia Pacific ex Japan sector in both five and ten years?

    5. How many funds in the AIC sector for Infrastructure: Renewable Energy have three year track records?

    6. For how long will the new CFD scheme for solar (and other renewables later) guarantee fixed energy prices?

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