
How AI will change financial services

How AI will change financial services
AI will change how companies interact with their clients even in financial services (This Is Engineering/Pexels)

In today's evolving banking, financial services and insurance landscape, the integration of artificial intelligence has become imperative for service providers to stay competitive and meet the increasing demands of its customers.

Regulatory pressure, enhancing the customer experience and ensuring platforms are robust and secure against the increasing threat landscape, are all front of mind for business leaders. 

So, what are the challenges or opportunities? Here we explore the role of AI in revolutionising BFSI.  

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1) Market challenges

There are several aspects to the potential challenges facing the market. A few are highlighted below:

Customer service and communication enhancements

Traditional customer service models in BFSI often face challenges in meeting the expectations of modern consumers who demand personalised, efficient, and accessible services round-the-clock.

The tangled web of back office, front office, and mobile integration, means many disparate systems hindering information flow.

Data and network security 

With the proliferation of digital transactions and sensitive BFSI data, ensuring robust data security measures is paramount.

Financial institutions are under constant threat from cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for fraudulent activities.

Regulatory pressures

The scrutiny BSFI institutions are under from the Regulators is increasing.

Compliance with anti-money laundering and know your customer) regulations is a critical aspect of BFSI services.

Manual processes are often time-consuming, resource-intensive with data inputs being fragmented, and prone to errors, leading to regulatory risks and BFSI penalties. 

Financial advisory services 

The evolving needs and preferences of clients necessitate innovative BFSI advisory solutions that offer tailored recommendations, comprehensive insights, and seamless interaction between advisors and clients.

Customer relationships with multiple providers, limited loyalty and fluidity with ever-changing gig-economy workers lead to multiple relationships that can be difficult to manage – from both sides.

Gone are the days of jobs for life and pensions to match.

2) The role of AI

AI presents a transformative opportunity to address these challenges and unlock new possibilities in BFSI services.

Some of these possibilities and opportunities lie in the following areas:

Customer service and communication enhancements

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants enable personalised interactions, instant query resolution, and proactive customer support.

Natural Language Processing algorithms analyse customer inquiries and provide accurate responses, enhancing overall satisfaction and reducing service costs. 

The challenge is still to ensure that the AI bots involved offer REAL and additional value instead of any further potential deterioration in customer experience, which can sometimes be the case with dealings between humans and AI. 

When we look within the institution, the opportunity for AI to facilitate seamless collaboration and information exchange among stakeholders offers huge value for those improving operational efficiency.

Integrated systems leverage AI algorithms to aggregate and analyse data from disparate sources, enabling real-time insights, personalised recommendations, and efficient communication across the BFSI ecosystem.

Data and network security

AI-driven cybersecurity solutions employ advanced algorithms to detect anomalies, identify potential threats, and build defences against cyberattacks.

Machine learning algorithms continuously learn from data patterns to adapt and pre-emptively thwart emerging threats therefore safeguarding sensitive BFSI information.

Open APIs and technology adoption driven by regulation (such as Open Banking/PSD) pull together parties from the wider ecosystem.